Thursday, February 11, 2010

12 FEB- Monkey Joe's

Since it's freezing out, we'll go bounce at Monkey Joe's tomorrow. Tell them you're with Fun Fridays and the price is $7 per child, $4 for 2 & under you can order pizza & a drink for $2 per child.

Hope to see you. I left the info below in case anyone missed it. We're really looking forward to the clothing swap coming up in 2 weeks (next week we'll be at the park beside the library on post.) Please RSVP for the swap if you haven't done so (you can email me with your kids' info)

I talked to 2 ladies this week who are really in need. One is pregnant with her first child- a baby boy due Sunday and doesn't have much money or a car seat/ stroller. The other has a baby boy & she needs size 12 month clothes for him. If you would like to help either of these ladies, please email or call me. I told them about our swap but it would be great if we could get a few things to them earlier.

see you tomorrow!

Here's answers to some of the questions I've gotten about our swap -where? at Manna's Cliffdale Site. childcare will be in the 3 or 4 year old classrooms in the building to the right of the main worship center & the swap will be in the building to the left where V2 meets Wed nights -how much is childcare? $3 per child. please RSVP by Sunday 21 Feb. I will turn in numbers 23 Feb. Once I turn in numbers to church we have to pay for those spots so please come if you sign up.( of course don't come if your kids are sick, just please give me a call to let know. how does it work? start getting your gently used things together & generally sorted (i.e. a bag of 0-6 month girl clothes, a box of 2T boy clothes, a bag of baby toys, ...) Friday 26 FEB 0930 drop off kids at childcare if you signed up for childcare and start laying out items on tables by type (we'll have tables arranged by size for boys, for girls, maternity, books, and toys 10:30 begin to select items you can use your family 11:30 begin to bag remaining items by type to give to needy families (we will need help bagging up items for different groups.) 12:00 pick up kids and go home happy that you've helped others and gotten items your family needs without spending more money! -can I get things if I don't have items to donate? yes, we do ask that everyone help set up at the beginning and pack up at the end (even if you don't have items to donate.) -can I donate things if I can't go that day? yes, email or call me -if you know of a charity or family who needs things let me or Jennie know -call or write me if you have any other questions. I look forward to sharing together!

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