Tuesday, August 10, 2010

20 AUG Clothing Swap

If you haven't RSVPd yet for the clothing swap, please do. Also Jennie talked to the pregnancy crisis center & Operation Blessing. They are looking forward to receiving the items left from our swap. They also really need nonperishable food. so please bring in come canned goods for us to donate.

clothing swap is right around the corner- 20 Aug 9:30-noon in the youth center at Manna at Cliffdale. I'm super excited that we will be combining our clothing/ toy swap with GRACE Homeschool groups clothing swap. This will help us combine our efforts and mean a bigger swap for everyone- more and bigger size range of clothes and ages of books and toys. Our clothing swaps are successful because everyone pitches in to help. We need everyone to pitch in the day of the swap for things to run smoothly. I also need some more people to volunteer for our "committee". If you can help, please let me know.
here's answers to a few questions I've gotten about the swap:

-do I have to use the childcare? no, as long as you can supervise your children & help with setting up & packing up. you can keep your children with you.
-what if I sign up for childcare and can't go? we will have to pay for workers based on how many children are scheduled. That means we have to pay for that slot. (Last time I paid $20 for people who didn't show up- I don't want to do that again.) of course, if your child is sick, don't bring him/ her to childcare. If you can't come, please let me know ahead of time.
-let me know if you have any other questions.

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